Friday, December 24, 2021


When I started getting interested in collecting autographs, I had an idea that still to this day is a crazy thought. That idea/thought was to try and get all Boston Bruins players autograph on a trading card or a cut auto. As crazy as it sounded back in the day, I changed that thought to make it seem more realistic.

As I was crossing the autographs off my want list there were some players on my want list that I said I would never find. Players like Dit Clapper, Eddie Shore, Bobby Bauer, George Owens and the list goes on. I was quite lucky to actually find all of those players I listed and lots more but the odd thing about collecting is that there are players that are still alive that I can't locate, or the player just won't sign.

So, one day going through my want list I saw some players on there that I had wrote to requesting their auto, but I got several back as a RTS (Return to Sender). That is the one thing that an autograph collector never wants to see but it does happen and when you do get a successful return back you can't tell who the autograph is from because the return letter is the one that you the collector added to the addressed letter to that player, so it is a surprise and much more fun when you get a bunch back in a day.

The day I got back one from Shane Hnidy I was ecstatic as I never dreamed, I would have got his auto back but what a huge surprise and even bigger surprise when I saw he added the inscription "The Sheriff" on the card as I had asked in my letter to him.

I was so glad that on that day, I GOT THE SHERIFF.

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